WUFA - Water Utility Financial Analysis

This tool is meant to help you in analyzing and understanding the current financial health of your organization. On each of the pages, you can enter information about your organization’s revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Each page includes definitions to help you understand the fields available. Just click on the little blue icon . The page entitled “Financial Health” will calculate several common financial indicators and provide a graphical representation of your financial health relative to these indicators. You can also use this tool to project future revenue, expenses, and liabilities to assess their impact on the financial health indicators.

If you want to see how this tool works without having to enter data, just hit the “Sample Data” button at the top of any page. This will fill all the fields with sample data that you can play around with. Hitting the “Clear Entries” button will remove this data and return all values to zero. You can then enter your own data.

Your information will be saved in your browser via cookies. It will be available only in your browser. You can access it again by returning to the tool in the same browser you are now using. If you do not want your information to be saved in cookies, just hit the “Clear Entries” button at the top of any page. Your entries will be removed. However, you may return to this tool in the future and re-enter values. You may do this as many times as you wish.

**Please Note: The Southwest Environmental Finance Center does not have access to your information.