Downspout disconnection

Asset Type : Engineered
Water Classification:
Combined Sewer Overflows
Construction Rank : 1
O&M Rank : N/A

How it Works :

The building rooftop is the largest generator of stormwater runoff volume. Traditionally this water has been piped directly into the municipal storm drains. This can be done by flowing the water onto splash pads or piping the water into rain barrels.

O&M Required :

Make sure downspouts are clear of obstructions, monthly or after any significant rain event

Design Considerations :

Make sure water is flowing away from all houses and structures. Have water empty no less than 6 feet from all houses and structures. Do not let water run down a steep slope. A slight slope will reduce the potential for erosion.

Costs :


Benefits :

Reduction of runoff volume; Reduction of pollutants in the water system; Reduces erosion; Can collect water in rain barrels to use for nonpotable options.

Image by: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District via