Targeted Land Protection

Asset Type : Natural
Water Classification:
Source Water Protection
Construction Rank : N/A
O&M Rank : N/A

How it Works : Targeted land protection is a board term that encompasses all conservation activities occurring to protect a specific area. It is typically a preventative measure to reduce any negative impacts on the environment. Types of targeted land protection include the purchase of easements, conservation agreements, educational programs about conservation, community outreach and enforcement of conservation regulations. Many organizations like Land Trusts practice targeted restoration.

O&M Required : The O&M required will depend on the targeted land protection. Some land protections will require no O&M such as park guards or regulatory enforcement but do require time and money.

Design Considerations : Usually N/A.

Costs : Targeted land management is too broad a concept to quantify cost.

Benefits : The benefits of targeted land protection include clean surface water, preserved, protected or restored habitat, reduction in erosion, aesthetic beauty, open space, wildlife corridors, enhanced biodiversity, preservation of pervious surfaces, education, and reduced extinction rates.

Image by: NRCS Oregon Budeau Wetland Easement via